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out url icon Recercat Fronts from complex two-dimensional dispersal kernels: theory and application to Reid’s paradox Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Fronts from complex two-dimensional dispersal kernels: theory and application to Reid’s paradox Fort, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Fronts from complex two-dimensional dispersal kernels: theory and application to Reid’s paradox
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Fronts from complex two-dimensional dispersal kernels: theory and application to Reid’s paradox Fort, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2007 Fronts from complex two-dimensional dispersal kernels: theory and application to Reid’s paradox Fort, Joaquim
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 A Gain Scheduling Model Predictive Controller for Blood Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad ; García-Gabín, Winston
out url icon Recercat A Gain Scheduling Model Predictive Controller for Blood Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad ; García-Gabín, Winston
out url icon Recercat A Gain Scheduling Model Predictive Controller for Blood Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad ; García-Gabín, Winston
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 A Gain Scheduling Model Predictive Controller for Blood Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 A Gain Scheduling Model Predictive Controller for Blood Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes Abu-Rmileh, Amjad Hisham Ahmad ; García-Gabín, Winston
out url icon Recercat Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich, I. ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 novembre 2016 Generation of synthetic influent data to perform (micro)pollutant wastewater treatment modelling studies Snip, Laura J.P. ; Flores Alsina, Xavier ; Aymerich Blazquez, Ignasi ; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara ; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià ; Plósz, B. G. ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rodríguez-Roda Layret, Ignasi ; Jeppsson, Ulf ; Gernaey, Krist V.
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2018 Gestió activa d’energia en instal·lacions amb generació fotovoltaica Cañigueral Maurici, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs 2004 Graphical simulators for AUV development Ridao Rodríguez, Pere ; Carreras Pérez, Marc ; Ribas Romagós, David ; El-Fakdi Sencianes, Andrés
out url icon Recercat Graphical simulators for AUV development Ridao Rodríguez, Pere ; Carreras Pérez, Marc ; Ribas Romagós, David ; El-Fakdi Sencianes, Andrés
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2017 Hyper and hypo glycaemia detection based on bag of words Berloso Clarà, Eduard
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2019 Implantación BIM en un despacho de arquitectura Contreras Florez, Edward Antonio
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2015 Implementació de la tècnica Lightcuts a l’Unreal Engine 4 Figueras Palomeras, Fabià
out url icon Recercat Implementació de la tècnica Lightcuts a l’Unreal Engine 4 Figueras Palomeras, Fabià
out url icon Recercat Infohabitants: laboratori per la simulació d’ infohabitants com agents recomanadors (SIRA) Gómez López, Francesc Josep
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